Saturday, August 13, 2011

Waterfall Adventures

So much for sleeping the weekend away.  Moo came to my room yesterday morning to get the rest of his money (he didn't have change the night of the hospital ride), and we ended up jamming.  He played a few songs for me in Thai, I played a few songs for him in English.  He's a better guitarist than I am,  and he has a beautiful voice.  I wish he had a guitar of his own to play.  I offered to let him take my guitar home with him and play it for a few days, but he didn't take it.  I showed Moo Youtube.  I don't think he's ever seen it before.  I showed him Bob Marley videos and he said, "Freedom.  I love freedom.  I love Bob Marley.  I happy today.  Play guitar, make happy."

Moo is teaching me to speak Thai.  He's a dedicated teacher, every time he says something to me in English he says it in Thai- and then quizzes me randomly.  I regret that my head is not as sharp as it normally is so I'm not retaining much.  I do remember Ka Koon Kah, which means thank you.  Also, Mmm Arroy, which means I'm full that was some good food.  Of everything he's taught me that's all I remember lol...  I've learned to simplify my English, which is actually improving my general communication skills.  Sometimes I speak to quickly and use slang or too many words to make a simple point.

Moo said he would take me to see a waterfall today.  He said, "Love nature, nature, nature.  Happy in nature.  Trees, water, happy."  He said it would be a slight walk to get there.  I almost wore my flip flops, thank goodness I put on my  hiking shoes because it was about a 2 mile hike up hill to the top.  It was similar to a State Park like Fossil Creek, only they charged an entry fee of 200 baht per person.  Moo talked to the guy and got the hook up- we only paid 100 baht for both of us.  I learned that there are different prices for Thai and Tourists, for everything basically!  It was so beautiful... bamboo everywhere, little crabs, frogs, waterfalls, rocks- absolutely beautiful.  It started pouring raining half way up, which made it even more fun.  Moo and I were directly behind this cute French family with two very young twin boys, who whined and cried almost the entire hike.  We passed them eventually on the way there and back, those were some dedicated hikin' parents I tell you.  

Moo has some interesting photo poses.  He's mentioned disco before.. this sort of looks like an Elvis pose, or a #1 pose, or even a disco pose.  
 Some sort of Lizzard.
 Moo doing the #1 pose.  He uses this often in his English vocabulary to tell me about things that are important or special.  For example.. "Chang (elephants) #1 in Thailand."  "King and Queen #1 in to Thai People."  "Guitar is #1."
 He was a great guide!
 I saw the coolest trees.. 
 Moo is cold!
The waterfall really started to rush down heavily after the rain, perfect for a quick submersion. 

Moo kept trying to cover my head when it was raining, saying "sick tomorrow".  I didn't even care.  It was one of those magical moments where I was completely immersed in beauty and completely present and aware of every sound, smell, sensation around me.  Just me and nature, existing together, but then again how can we really be separate except in the mind?  In moments like this I rediscover the oneness of it all.  When the mind stops thinking, and the 'programming' and all that we've learned and all that we have taught ourselves to believe- just fades, we find the truth.  The simple moments of existence are often the most extraordinary when you allow them to happen and to be completely present.  Today I thought of what Andrew said, "Everything is just happening".  I have an even deeper understanding and appreciation of that now.  That is quite impressive in itself.  I don't know why people are always searching for miracles to validate whatever it is they need validated for whatever reason...  Mere existence seems pretty incredible to me, when you stop and consider all that had to happen for 'you' to be 'you'.  What is enlightenment?  The ability to see?  To be free from the past and the future?  My heart and my head are blissfully aligned these days.  The world is so much bigger than what I previously understood- and I'm not just talking about a geographical sense.  There is so much to take in I almost can't process my thoughts and ideas fast enough.  Which takes me to the idea that space and time are just an illusion anyway...  I love it!!

Moo talked to me today (the best we could) about the big tsunami that hit Phuket.  Pretty depressing stuff to hear first hand from a local.  He played a song for me about it on the guitar.  He also explained to me why everyone loves the King and Queen.  Apparently, "when childrens have no mama papa, they give money.  When people have no home, they give home."  Moo asked me about the King in the US, I tried my best to explain our government and how we have a President.  He seemed shocked that we didn't love the President as much as the people in Thailand love the King.  That was a really tough one to explain in simplified English.  The idea seemed almost inconceivable to Moo because it's so culturally different to his reality.

Also, tonight I visited the Phuket night market and was reunited with my girls from Rawai!  I'm so excited, Cookie and Amanda are coming to visit tomorrow for pool side relaxation.  hopefully my last day off before training starts again on Monday!  Be well, and be present friends.

<3 Tiff

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