Sunday, August 21, 2011

Celebrating Victory

Friday night we traded in the sweaty sports bras and boxing gloves for bass pumping music and cheap Thai whiskey.  The girls and I celebrated a successful week at Tiger by visiting the nightlife and dancing our booties off at a dance club in Patong.   hehe... Here are photos of our adventure.

Here we are eating healthy at Subway, Kim and I split a 6'er.  The irony is right after this photo was taken we loaded up on ice cream and cookies.  So yeah the 3inch sub really made no difference lol 8-)

I was sitting outside waiting for the girls to walk back from 7-11, and I shot this video of the crowd.  I watched it back just now and decided to share it on my blog.  it's gives an excellent feel of what Bangla road is like.  There are so many different things going on at once, it's difficult to process everything your seeing!  See many bar girls in this video walking the street, lots of  (older) Western men and (younger)Thai women, people selling things.  There are girls dancing on the bars everywhere, people carrying monkeys and iguana's charging to have your photo taken with them, and lots and lots of beautiful women who ahem... really aren't women but you'd never know it.

What to do when it rains in Thailand... How about a facial?  8-)  $1 buys herbal DIY facial mask.  Too fun.

Today Moo drove near Promthep Cape so I could get some photos of the beach and play a few songs on my guitar with the ocean as my back drop 8-)  it was a good last day.  I will upload video after I figure out how to edit on my MAC, I got some funny video of Moo that accurately captures his personality and our friendship!  I wonder if he knows how famous he is on my blog?  8-)

<3 Tiff

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