Friday, August 12, 2011

Hospital Visit in Thailand

I've felt sick now for about 5 days.  It started with the sore throat, and then the stuffy nose, and yesterday the green snot.  I didn't think I needed to go to the Doctor because I assumed it was just a little cold.  I thought taking a couple of days off would do the trick.  Yesterday evening I started training at Tiger, had a healthy dinner, and then came back to my room.  My breath felt forced and restricted, and I was dizzy.  It reminded me of what it feels like right before fainting.  Anyway, I started to really freak myself out.  I was all out of water in my room.  I went to buy some water and find out when I could see a doctor.  (Let me point out… earlier in the day I walked by a clinic at Patong Beach and checked pricing and decided my body would heal itself and I didn't need to waste my money..hmmm)  Mama's had already gone to bed and there was no place I could buy water (Mama is the owner of Mama's Bungalow).  Even just walking from my room to the front desk was a challenge, I felt incredibly dizzy.  I ran into two Thai men who I assume were cleaning the restaurant.  I asked them about seeing a Doctor, and they spoke very little English.  I knew everything would be closed the following day because of the Queen's birthday.  I agreed to take a Taxi to the hospital.

That experience of helplessness was the first time I've felt scared in Thailand.  I thought to myself, I could die (yes a little dramatic) in my room and no one would even find me in the morning because I don't know anyone here!  There was definitely comfort in having my Cookie as a roommate at Rawai.  I've only been this sick two other times that I can remember in my life, once as a child with the worlds worst ear infection and once when I was training for Disney Cruise Line in Canada.  

The cab driver's name was Moo, he knew some basic English- and Bob Marley music 8-)   and conveniently he lives right next door to Mama's.  Moo lifted my spirits in the first five minutes.  He gave me his card, which is decorated in Bob Marley colors.  He asked me if I played guitar, if I liked Jack Johnson, if I've traveled the world because he would really love to, what Arizona is like, and the list goes on.  It was nice to be distracted from the sickness.  At first he was going to drop me off at the hospital and come back and get me, but I guess I found a friend in Moo because he decided to tag along and help me.  I am so grateful… Even at the hospital they didn't speak English.  Why did I assume most people in Thailand speak English??  Anyway Moo said guitar is his number 1.  He doesn't own a guitar, but his friend taught him to play a few Thai songs.  I told him since he lives so close to Mama's if he wants to play my guitar while I'm here he is welcome to.  This really made him happy 8-)

Moo translated for me, and stayed with me the at the hospital as we waited.  We were there for close to 3 hours.  Thai hospitals are much different than US Hospitals.  The waiting rooms are open air and outside, with only the roof covered.  There were stray dogs just sleeping around the hospital.  Moo seemed amused that I kept taking photos of everything.  Let me say this.. never again in my life will I giggle when I see Japanese tourists with their camera's strapped around their neck taking photos of EVERYTHING.  I get it now!  I am that tourist.
 I wish US hospitals had beautiful decor like this 8-)
 Sleeping Dogs in the Hospital

 This made me smile for some reason.  It's so random, life size cardboard cut outs?
The hospital loves the King as well.

There were sick people everywhere.  I was taken from the waiting room into a large air conditioned room where there were several people scattered across the room sleeping in hospital beds with blankets.  Everyone looked dreadfully ill… The Doctor didn't speak much english, she did tell me my throat was- "very very red" and gave me antibiotics and a slew of other medication that I really didn't need.  The combination of having a Sinus Infection and putting intense pressure (Muay Thai Training) on my respiratory system while sick is what did me in.  It could also have something to do with the fact that I got a tattoo while being sick..I'm not resuming my training until Monday, for the next few days I'll be taking it easy.  Don't be confused by my next blog post, I actually wrote it first- the sickness just interrupted and I didn't get a chance to finish it till today.  

Hope all is well in your part of the world… I'm alive and well, and believe it or not I'm quite optimistic today.  I'm looking forward to the rest, I'm finally going to finish this book!!  <3 Tiff

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are getting well now, Tiff! If it's any comfort, the same "ick" is happening here, too. I love keeping up with your adventures. Thank you for sharing everything with us! <3
