Friday, July 29, 2011

Thailand Night One

Hello dear friends!  I have absolutely no idea what time it's supposed to feel like right now.  After 23 hours (and counting... heading back to the airport in few to catch my hour flight to Phuket) I finally understand what jet leg means, and I will never complain about my four hour flight to Indiana again.  The flight wasn't really that bad, I used this website called seat guru to pick the most comfortable regular cost seat.  I actually did have a little more leg room with no additional cost, thank you seat guru!  (Downside- someone near me had some pretty intense gas 6 of the 11 hours to Japan.  What do you do?   Thank goodness for those little airblasters that continually blow fresh air in your face.) 

I arrived last night close to midnight after a very long flight.  The hotel that I had reserved overbooked and sent me to a different hotel just down the street from the airport.  At first I was a little cranky about this because I had to pay more and pay for internet for a room that was not as nice, even a little on the ghetto side.. I didn't want to fit the stereotype of bitchy american tourist, so I just paid the extra and forced a (twitching haha) smile and climbed the 5 sets of stairs to my humble room.

Once I showered and brushed my teeth my crankiness dissipated and I moved onto THE BEST PART OF MY NIGHT... I had a Thai Massage in my room from a gifted older lady who snapped, cracked, and twisted my limbs into submission and health.  She charged 300 baht/hr ($10), I paid her 400 baht and she was so incredibly grateful.  Neither of us spoke the others native language, it was kind of endearing the two of us trying to communicate.  Every time I said something she'd laugh 8-)  At the end of the massage I felt like putty, and I bowed to her with my hands in front of my heart and rambled on about her greatness in my own language.  She seemed really moved by this and bowed back to me and said something I of course didn't understand, but I'm sure it was along the same lines.  She gave me a genuine hug and was on her way.

Tonight I'm staying at a beach resort to decompress from the travel, and tomorrow I'll checkin to Rawai Muay Thai Camp. I made a last minute decision to change my training camp (again) because this camp is close to a beach and seems to have more women fighters.  Today and tomorrow are about beach and sleep- Monday morning I learn just how hard I can train... The day starts out running and skipping rope for 60 minutes, followed by 6 hours of intense training.  Considering I feel like a champ when I do 40 minutes on the elliptical in my air conditioned gym, I have my work ahead of me.  At first I was going to pay daily in case I change my mind and it's 'too hard', but isn't that the point?  I'm paying for the week upon arrival so I don't give myself the option of looking back.  I'm in it!

Sending you all love back home, thanks so much to Ezra, Meg, and Christina for taking care of my business- you ladies are already on fire and I've only been gone a day!

xoxo <3 Tiff

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